All Categories Getting Started How to get started with Appsify?

How to get started with Appsify?

Follow this guide to get started with Appsify

This guide will walk you through the entire process of activating and creating your affiliate program for your SaaS app.

You can register here if you haven't already

  • Create your first app affiliate program

    1. Login to Appsify owner dashboard

    2. Go to "Applications" from the side menu, and click "add application"


    3. Fill in your app details, including, app name, description, logo etc..

      And add your affiliate program conditions, affiliate commissions, payment approval days and cookie valid time.

      Choose the platform, Shopify tracking or Custom tracking

      • Shopify tracking - add your Shopify app details
        Shopify store link, your partner ID, your app ID, Partners API Client Access Token. To learn more about this process, click here.

      • Custom Tracking - You will need to inject the api keys into your app pages.

        To learn more about this process, click here.


    4. When you done, click the "save application"

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